Funeral invitations - how to let people know of a death

Funeral invitations inform or confirm the death of a person to the people who knew them. Many people choose to communicate the news by telephone to those who were closest to the deceased. To let others know, there are several options to consider.
Funeral invitations via social media
While this may seem rather impersonal, it is one of the quickest and most effective ways to communicate the sad news. Publishing on social media allows the information to reach all the personal contacts of the deceased immediately. Also, most people will understand that at this difficult time this is an acceptable option for the family to choose.
A publication on social media should be short and to the point. It should report the name and date of death, and the funeral details with any special requests.
Many funeral directors publish in a local newspaper details of a death on behalf of the family. Additionally, obituaries can now be published online at sites such as this one. Online obituaries inform people about the death and the funeral arrangements and allow people to leave comments, post photos, or to light a virtual candle. Mourners can also confirm their attendance at the funeral with just a click. There is also an option to securely make a donation to the charity chosen by the family.
Private funeral request
Funeral invitations can also be sent to inform of the death and that the funeral will be private. In this case, the funeral director's information is often included so that people can contact them for more details. Often, families choose to have a private funeral soon after the death. Later, they may choose to have a celebration of life or memorial service to which they will invite more people.
Funeral invitations by post
Many people still prefer to send a formal funeral invitation through the post. These can contain more information about the deceased and their life. They frequently include a photo or a floral or religious symbol. The invitation may begin with a phrase like "In loving memory of" and the person's name and dates of birth and death. They will contain the information about the place and time of the funeral as well as a contact address or phone number for RSVPs and queries. Also any special requests, such as donations to a charity instead of flowers. Often a favourite quote or a line of a poem are included.