Financial Assistance can Help to Cope with the Costs of a Death

Financial assistance is available for people with difficulty in covering the costs that can incur with a death. Sometimes insurance policies or funeral plans include a cash payment to cover immediate expenses. Financial assistance can also come from the government. Finally, aid may be sought from benevolent societies. These are usually linked to a particular profession.
Government financial assistance
Many surviving civil partners or spouses can claim a Bereavement Support Payment. Find out if you are eligible and how much you may receive here.
If you are receiving Government benefits, you may be able to claim a £700 funeral allowance. Learn more here.
Benevolent Societies which offer financial assistance for-
- Nurses- The Junius S. Morgan Benevolent Fund provides funds of up to £1000 to both registered nurses and health service assistants. Those who are experiencing financial problems, which can include the loss of the primary wage earner of the family can apply for financial help.
- Fishermen- The Fishermen's Mission can help bereaved families both financially and also with emotional support and guidance.
- Farmers- there are three benevolent societies which may be able to assist financially. Find out more at Farming Help.
- Electricians- The Electrical Industries Charity helps workers and their families in all realms of the electrical, electronic and energy industries.
- Ex-Servicemen- families can seek financial assistance and also support and advice from the RAF Benevolent Fund, ABF-The Soldiers Charity, and Veterans UK.
More Benevolent Societies who may be able to help
- Public Transport workers- have The Transport Benevolent Fund, which all workers contribute into. In an unexpected death, families may receive financial help with both funeral and living costs.
- Retail workers- The Retail Trust can help families of workers in a number of customer-facing jobs. These include banks, property agencies, call centres, shops, distribution centres and online stores.
- Workers in the alcoholic drinks industry- The Benevolent can extend financial support to the families of people who work in bars, pubs and off-licenses. Also those in the marketing, distribution and manufacturing part of the industry.
- Grocers- Grocery Aid can help workers and their families. It includes everyone from the shop counter to the factory floor.
All of these Benevolent Societies will firstly individually assess the needs of each particular case. They will provide financial assistance based on the merits of the situation. They can also help with advice as to where and how to seek aid from other sources. Furthermore, most of them offer grief counselling and support services.