, by Kristina Kennedy-Aguero

Low-cost funerals can be every bit as special and moving as an expensive one. Here are some ideas as to how to organise a funeral on a budget.   Venue ideas for low-cost funerals A funeral can be held anywhere....

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, by Kristina Kennedy-Aguero

Teardrop-shaped urns are a lovely modern alternative for a special place to keep cremation ashes. While traditional urns are lovely, urns in the shape of a teardrop can blend in easier with modern decors. Additionally, the symbol of the teardrop...

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, by Kristina Kennedy-Aguero

Barrows are a new option for a special place to keep the cremation ashes of a departed loved one. However, they have in fact been the traditional option for keeping cremated remains for a very, very long time. Barrows in...

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, by Kristina Kennedy-Aguero

Choosing the right urn for cremation ashes can be confusing. There are so many different designs and materials to consider. Here are a few guidelines to help you to make the right choice. Urn materials Brass- is the traditional material...

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